Hawaii Aviation Attorneys

Aviation activity is unique in the Hawaiian archipelago because of its location and geographical topography.  As the only U.S. state outside of North America, and completely surrounded by water, Hawaii offers many challenges to aviation activities including rapidly changing maritime weather, strong gusty winds, and steep mountainous terrain. Since air travel is faster and more convenient than travel by sea, aviation has become an important part of Hawaiian island life. Unfortunately, the increase in aviation flights has given rise to an increase in aviation accidents.


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Hawaiian Aviation Accidents

Hawaii’s tropical climate and combination of ocean, geology, flora and fauna, make it a world-renowned destination for tourists and second homeowners. Throughout the years many commercial air tour and charter flight operations have been established on the islands. In addition, recreational aviation continues to grow, including skydiving, ultralights, hang gliding, powered parachutes, and glider operations.

Because of Hawaii’s limited number of airports and its unique topography, helicopters now commonly operate throughout the islands for both air tours and transportation.

Yet, Hawaii has seen its fair share of aircraft accidents, from small general aviation aircraft and helicopter air tour operations, to large air carriers such as the 1988 Aloha Airlines Flight 243 fuselage failure.

Since 2010 the number of tour operators in Hawaii has doubled in size, and the number of flights have increased 67%. Unfortunately, 2019 was one of the most deadly years for air tour helicopter operators in Hawaii, of which 4 total accidents and 10 deaths were the most in nearly 20 years. The worst accident was on December 28, 2019 on Kauai involving an Airbus helicopter operated by Safari Helicopters, which crashed into a steep hillside killing the pilot and six passengers. In 2018 there were six accidents. Most of the accidents in Hawaii since 2000 have been attributed to weather, mechanical/maintenance failure, and/or pilot error.



Recent Hawaii Aviation Accident News

Another Fatal R-44 Crash In Kauai Less Than One Month After An R-44 Tail Boom Came Off In Flight In Washington State Killing Two

We are shocked but not surprised to hear of yet another deadly Robinson R-44 crash, N144KW, this time just off the North Coast of Kauai on July 11, 2024. Our hearts go out to the families of the two passengers and pilot who were on the sight-seeing flight operated...

Hawaii Aviation Accident Attorneys

At best there are only a few experienced aviation accident lawyers who are licensed to practice law in Hawaii. ALG aviation attorney Robert Hedrick is licensed in Hawaii and is an active member of the Hawaii Bar Association.


Bob Hedrick

Bob Hedrick

Attorney 30+ years
Commercial Pilot
A&P Aviation Mechanic
20+ years Teaching
Aviation Accident Law
Licensed in HI, AK, WA, & CA

Casey DuBose

Casey DuBose

Attorney 10+ years
Commercial Pilot
Flight Instructor
Aviation Law Speaker
Licensed in WA


Kerry Kovarik

Kerry Kovarik

Attorney 11+ years
IA Aviation Mechanic
Licensed in WA

Chris Rusing

Chris Rusing

Attorney 20+ years
Airline Pilot & Instructor
Airbus 320 Series Captain
Licensed in FL & WA



Focus on Hawaii Aviation Accidents

Scenic Air Tours

Current federal aviation regulations allow air tour operators to do what airlines cannot: fly in marginal weather conditions in hilly and mountainous terrain, and sometimes very close to the ground. Consequently, there are more accidents per passenger flight hour during air tour flights than on airline flights. 

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Complex Aviation Litigation

Aviation accidents can have complex and multiple causes, including human error and product failure. Our experience is that there is almost never one single cause to an accident, but a series of errors and mistakes that come together at the same time with tragic results. For more than 30 years attorneys at Aviation Law Group have successfully litigated and tried before juries complex aviation cases, nearly all with multiple party and causation issues.

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Seaplane Crashes

Aviation Law Group attorneys are all certified commercial pilots. Attorney Hedrick has an FAA seaplane rating, and has flown numerous types of seaplanes. Aviation Law Group has handled many seaplane accidents in the U.S. and Canada, and has a strong working understanding of maritime law in the aviation context.

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Seaplane Crashes

We have handled many aviation wrongful death and admiralty claims that arose in U.S. territorial waters, foreign territorial waters, and on the high seas, including litigation in both State and Federal courts.

Depending on the circumstances, maritime law may apply to aircraft accidents that occur on water. When that happens, a controlling and complex federal legal regime applies to the liability and damage aspects of the claims. Aviation Law Group uses creative legal strategies in maritime law to maximize the results for our clients.

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Hawaii is a unique and challenging place to aviate. Its unforgiving terrain often leaves a pilot without a safe option if their aircraft has mechanical problems.

Robert Hedrick, J.D., LLM

Firm Contact Information

Aviation Law Group PS is a leading aviation law firm representing plaintiffs in the West Coast, the United States, and the World in aircraft accidents and other aviation-related cases involving serious injury/wrongful death. It is headquartered in Seattle, WA.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an aviation-related accident, please reach out to us. We are always willing to provide a free initial evaluation and meeting.


(808) 909 8510

Aviation Law Group - Hawaii, 1003 Bishop St Suite 2700, Honolulu, HI 96813

Office Hours: M-F (6am-7pm)

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